About the project

The main goal of the project developed at the Maj Institute of Pharmacology (IF PAN) in Krakow is to establish a technologically advanced Center for Development of New Pharmacotherapies of Central Nervous System Disorders, named CEPHARES. New research infrastructure will be located in the expanded and modernized facilities of IP PAN, i.e., a new part of the main building at 12 Smętna Street and in the historic complex at 52 Ojcowska Street in Krakow. CEPHARES laboratories will be equipped with highly advanced research instruments worth PLN 45 million.

The establishment of CEPHARES at IF PAN is a response to the research challenges of present neuropsychopharmacology and to unsatisfied therapeutic needs in the treatment of CNS diseases. Modern research infrastructure has been designed to implement commercial R&D projects and to meet the requirements for partner institutions of the pharmaceutical industry.

CNS studies conducted with the support of infrastructural resources of CEPHARES will tremendously increase the chance for translation of study results to the pharmaceutical industry in order to develop new therapies of mental disorders.

The project has been implemented by the Maj Institute of Pharmacology over the period starting on 15 April 2021, that will end on 31 December 2023 as the result of co-financing under the European Regional Development Fund within the framework of Task 4.2 of Intelligent Development Operational Program for 2014-2020 (POIR.04.02.00-00-D007/20-00).

Total project budget
96 658 942,68
Eligible expenses
90 332 381,26
The amount of funding
75 225 963,00



Center for Development of New Pharmacotherapies of Central Nervous System Disorders

The main aim of the CEPHARES project is to establish a unique academic center on a European scale, consolidating the potential of psychopharmacology, neurobiology and medical chemistry, equipped with ultramodern research instrumentation. It will provide for the implementation of a comprehensive research program from the design of the molecule to the fully validated substance possessing the potential to become a drug and meeting requirements for granting of permission to conduct clinical trials in CNS diseases.

The principal objectives of CEPHARES include: setting new directions in pharmacological research, performing interdisciplinary R&D projects, and development of new research methods and technologies. The CEPHARES strategy envisages a synergy between basic sciences and industrial research, which paves the way for implementation of research results by cooperating businesses in the pharmaceutical sector and for placement of the innovative CNS drug on the market.

Creation of 5 high-tech laboratory modules

The primary task of CEPHARES will be to carry out advanced, interdisciplinary research correlated with the development path of novel drug candidates, using the latest instrumentation infrastructure available in the newly built laboratory modules (CF1-CF5). The concept of an interdisciplinary centre is based on complementary modules, the 60-year experience of IF PAN and the competence of the employed scientists. The adopted comprehensive programme for the development of a new CNS drug candidate assumes the use of the following methods: chemo- and bioinformatics, medicinal chemistry, organic synthesis, analytics, biochemistry, molecular biology, electrophysiology, transgenics.

Training platform at the Science Information Centre

Within CEPHARES, based on a unique infrastructure, a training platform will also be created in the Scientific Information Centre (module CF6) for a wide group of researchers, students and PhD students, and with the support of KAWA.SKA, there will also be a reference centre for Leica, a renowned manufacturer of advanced equipment for confocal microscopy and other imaging techniques. One of the aims of the centre is also to raise scientific competence and to promote and shape health-oriented habits among the public.

Development of an environment that stimulates invention and entrepreneurship

One of the objectives of launching the CEPHARES centre is to create scientific and technical facilities for the development of start-up/spin-off/spin-out initiatives oriented towards the commercialisation of research results carried out in the CNS area by IF PAN – in line with scientific (technology transfer) and economic (support for the development of innovative micro and small enterprises) policies.

Effective platform for cooperation with R&D and scientific institutions

The high-tech research infrastructure, unique in central Europe, equipped at CEPHARES will enable R&D entrepreneurs and interested researchers from academic institutions to access the latest technologies in bioinformatics, drug chemistry, analytical chemistry, in vitro analysis, imaging techniques, pharmacokinetics, behavioural pharmacology and transgenics. Access to CEPHARES research facilities provides the opportunity to conduct a broad spectrum of research in one place without the R&D sector having to hire multiple subcontractors for a single prototype drug development project.



Signing the agreement for project implementation POIR.04.02.00-00-D007/20-00
Preparation of the tendering procedure for construction works at 12 Smętna Street on a design and build basis
Preparation and submission of documents necessary to obtain building permission for construction and maintenance works at 52 Ojcowska Street
Starting the tender procedures for delivery of research instruments at 12 Smętna Street
Construction works –12 Smętna Street
Tendering procedure for delivery of research equipment – 12 Smętna Street
Interior construction and finishing
Tendering procedure for delivery of research equipment – 12 Smętna Street
Tendering procedure for delivery of laboratory furniture, fume hoods
Delivery and installation of laboratory furniture and research equipment
Launch of CEPHARES


The CEPHARES Centre is a dedicated research space, adapted in terms of technical requirements to carry out the various stages of new drug development according to the ergonomics of the Drug Discovery and Development process and to provide advanced research services for the Life Science sector.

The construction of the new building at 12 Smętna Street has provided additional space for new laboratories in modules: CF1 – Bioinformatics, CF2 – Drug Chemistry, CF3 – Bioanalysis, CF4 – Mechanisms of drug action and CF5 – In vivo behavioural models. They have been equipped with unique, high-performance research equipment that will automate the main processes of the different stages of new drug development, providing the opportunity to conduct strategic scientific research on complex CNS pathology at the highest level.

Further plans include the refurbishment and transformation of the historic buildings at 52 Ojcowska Street where the Scientific Information Centre (module CF6) will be located to collect, digitise, archive and make public the results of research carried out in CEPHARES. Within the CF6 module there will be:

A conference and training centre dealing with tasks related to the organisation of training and conferences,
An Entrepreneurship Platform for providing laboratory facilities to spin-off companies and external research groups.

The above investment, included in the OPIR project, was abandoned at the stage of obtaining valid conservation and construction permits, due to a lack of funds caused by a dramatic increase in the prices of construction services and materials as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the outbreak of war in Ukraine.

Laboratory complex of module CF5 Seminar room

CEPHARES Project Team 2021-2023

  • Head of the Department of Brain Biochemistry at IP PAS

    Responsible for project management at the stage of application for financial support and execution of the investment. Coordinates all actions, is responsible for contacts with strategic partners, general vision of the project in the investment phase and functioning of CEPHARES at the maintenance stage, and for launching modules CF4 and CF5.


  • Head of Technical Service of IP PAS

    Responsible for investment preparation as to technical measures, construction, and architectural and building design, and also for coordination and management of the investment process. He is responsible for coordination of all works related to the preparation of the functional and utility program for the investment at 12 Smętna Street and to the construction project for the investment at 52 Ojcowska Street.

  • Technology Broker at the Department of Technology Transfer and Specialist at the Department of Medicinal Chemistry at IP PAS

    Responsible for coordination of purchase of equipment, launching module CF2 and CF6, contacts with the R&D sector and promotion of the project.

  • Head of the Department of Technology Transfer at IP PAS

    Responsible for contacts with the R&D sector and acquisition of strategic partners for the CEPHARES project at the stage of investment and at the maintenance stage, co-responsible for launching module CF1.

  • Specialist at the Department of Medicinal Chemistry at IP PAS

    Responsible for the preparation of the research agenda and substantive conformity of the application with the research agenda during project implementation. Is also involved in the acquisition of scientific partners for future research at CEPHARES and co-responsible for launching modules CF3 and CF6.

  • Head of the Department of Medicinal Chemistry at IP PAS

    Scientific consultation on the operation of CEPHARES modules with a view to promoting the development of new CNS drug candidates. Counseling aimed to enhance opportunities and vision of CEPHARES development based on current needs and interests of the science and R&D sector. Co-responsible for launching modules CF1 and CF3.

  • Chief Accountant at IP PAS

    Accounting-and financial consultation and supervision of project implementation.

  • Head of the Administration Office at IP PAS

    Administrative handling of the project, preparation of regulations, statements, reports, agreements and annexes to apply for additional financial support, information and promotional materials, correspondence.

  • Employee at the Department of Molecular Neuropharmacology

    Operation of SL system, contacts with the Implementing Institution – National Centre for Research and Development.

The project team set up for the CEPHARES project and the group of staff responsible for purchasing the apparatus. Sequentially from left: Przemysław Kawecki (IT equipment), Aleksana Liszka-Gronek (legal services), Ewelina Mazur-Gądek (public procurement), Ryszard Bugno (CF2 module equipment), Lidia Radwan (billing and reporting services), Katarzyna Kaczorowska (deputy project manager for apparatus, Module CF2 equipment), Maciej Baran (deputy project manager for construction), Katarzyna Rafa-Zabłocka (Module CF4 equipment), Anna Kliś (assistant project manager), Iwona Świątek (animal shed equipment), Piotr Chmielarz (Module CF5 equipment), Kamila Piotrowska (project office), Katarzyna Kuter-Nowak (CF4 module equipment), Marcin Siwiec (CF4 module equipment for electrophysiology), Julita Wesołowska (CF4 module equipment for microscopic imaging), Przemysław Mielczarek (CF3 module equipment for proteomics), Danuta Jantas (module CF4 equipment for in-vitro research), Michał Korostyński (subject matter expert, module CF1 equipment), Beata Duszyńska (Research Agenda and office room equipment), Tomasz Lenda (module CF3 and CF4 equipment), Andrzej Bojarski (scientific consultant, module CF1 equipment), Grzegorz Kreiner (project manager).


Missing from the photo are: Grzegorz Satała (CF3 module equipment) and Wojciech Zajączkowski (IT equipment). In addition, the project was supported throughout by the Finance and Accounting Department of IF PAN, and periodically by the Employee Affairs Department, the Project Services Department, the Technical Department and the Procurement Department of IF PAN.