
Science Information Center

In connection with experimental activity, a modern Science Information Center will be established (at 52 Ojcowska Street in Krakow), which will be responsible for gathering, digitalization, archiving and publicizing results of research carried out at CEPHARES. It will include:

The Conference and Training Venue, which will conduct training and workshops to increase competencies related to the scope of research performed at CEPHARES for scientists, life-science sector employees and students.

The Entrepreneurship Platform, which will support the commercialization process, protection of intellectual property, and initiation and implementation of spin-off/spin-out activity by providing high-standard laboratory space.

The Reference Center of Leica, one of the largest manufacturers of innovative optical instruments which, by contributing to CEPHARES’ actions, will be a hub for development and testing of new technological solutions for imaging and microscopy targeted towards development of precise early diagnostic methods e.g., for neurodegenerative diseases.